This is an unofficial search and statistics site for all online games played at http://terra.snellman.net by Juho Snellman. Terra Mystica is a boardgame developed by Helge Ostertag and Jens Drögemüller, published by Feuerland Spiele. Terra Mystica is a trademark of Frank Heeren (Feuerland Spiele). The above image is from Digidiced, the developers of the Terra Mystica app.
Data included in this version includes all log-files up to the end of September 2021 (game data is included since the beginning, monthly user rankings since June 2016).
Note that statistics might deviate slightly from the ones on the original game-site due to inclusion/exclusion of certain data (like dropped player games, non ranked games, log-files game differences, filters and parameters used for e.g. grouping of variable factions history, etc.). This dashboard will evolve while gaining better insight and understanding of the data.
You will find 6 menu items on this website; TM Search Engine (enables you to search and find games meeting a certain setup), TM User Stats (search specific stats for a certain user or group of users), TM Faction Stats (Show overall stats by faction, filtered by users and games), TM Round Stats (Show overall actions and victory-points by individual game-round, filtered by users and games), TM Top 10 (by rank, change and completed games) and the TM Locations (% of games that a location was build)
For feedback, discussions, ideas concerning this site, please visit this thread on BoardGameGeek.